10th Annual MOWOW State Rally Photos
10th Annual MOWOW State Rally Photos

10th Annual Missouri State Rally
June 5th – 7th, 2009
Ste. Genevieve, MO.
We had our 10th Annual Missori State Rally this year at Ste. Genevieve, Mo. This event was on June 5th thru the 7th. And what a wonderful time we had.
I hope all enjoyed it that went. And for those that didn’t you missed a great time. 🙂 I want to thank you all for making this a great event once again. You all are truly wonderful people.
I will start by letting you know what all happened at this event.
We had goody bags for everyone that registered, and door prizes for everyone!! Thank you Dee King and Jill Ivey for making the map holders, they are great! I want to thank my granddaughters, Chandra and Tekera for helping at the rally, they love doing this! And also Jerry, my husband, he has been a great help to me through all this. As one member said, when asked who my Asst. State Ambassador was, she said Jerry. And I agree! He is a wonderful Support Member.
Food was catered in by Cashott’s Catering of St. Mary’s Mo. Her name is Annette. She did a wonderful job and it was greatly appreciated by all.
We had a total of 58 registered. With a total of 54 in attendance.
Gifts were given to:
T-shirt design – Joyce Shook. Great design I might add, and if you will notice the bike on the front is purple! (in case some don’t know that’s my favorite color) Early bird registration- Dee King. First one to get a registration to me.
And she was fast!!
Trophies were given to: (Once again the color of these is purple, as I stated at the Rally I want you to see this color and remember me, since I did announce this would be my last year as State Ambassador, start thinking of stepping up and taking this position, (someone), The state does need a State Ambassador.
We have a mileage contest each year for the state. These were ones that had the highest in their categories, congratualations to all!! I want to add that this last year we also the State of Missouri won the first place with the mileage contest with all the other states. Do we know how to ride??
500cc and under
1st place Mary White
2nd place Jan Stringbery
501cc to 999cc
1st place Pamela Charles
2nd place Barb Kelly
1000cc to 1399cc
1st place Cris Baldwin
2nd place Beverly Knox
1400cc and above
1st place Arlend Crawford
2nd place Sheryl Knox
1st place Danielle Couto
1st place Dwayne Atchley
2nd place Jerry Hargett
Each year we have a touring contest, this contest can be found on the website. It consists of different towns each year. This year it is towns that are boys and girls names. It is a lot of fun and a great way to see your state. It helps to read maps, learn to ride in different situations, such as country roads, urban and city driving. Not to mention weather skills, rain, cold, and heat. It is definitely a great way to see all the sights and towns of your own state. All information can be found on the list, except where the towns are, that’s for you to find. Have a great journey and safe riding doing this.
Trophies were give to:
1st place Arlene Crawford
2nd place Irene Hargett
1st place Jerry Hargett
Along with this certificates were given out to all members who turned in their mileage to National for the state. This runs from April 1st to Oct 31st. If you haven’t gotten yours turned in, please do so.
A total of 42 were given out for full member, support and passengers. Great job!
A Mr. Wow trophy was given this year, this is a nomination from a member to recognize a support member for the year, We want to recognize all support members as they all are a great help to us!
This years Mr. WOW was Jerry Hargett,
He was nominated by Joyce Shook.
I want to thank Donna Harris once again for making a wonderful quilt to raffle off. She does an excellent job and has been very gracious to do this for me the last few years!! We all love them. Thank you Donna!!
Thank you to all chapters for the wonderful gifts and cards, I love them!
(Jerry is still trying to claim the Bass Pro Gift Card)
See everyone at the Ride-In, in Texas.
Irene Hargett